BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Twin Ports Premier - ECPv5.6.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Twin Ports Premier X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Twin Ports Premier BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20210314T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20211107T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20211127T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20211127T180000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T174953Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T174956Z SUMMARY:MN Christmas Market 2021 at Edmund Fitzgerald Hall(Duluth) DESCRIPTION:The MN Christmas Market is an annual pop-up holiday shopping event that showcases homegrown brands and makers\, with a charitable twist.\n\n\nThe MN Christmas Market is an annual pop-up holiday shopping event that showcases homegrown brands and makers\, with a charitable twist. All vendors will donate 7% of sales from the event to The Reel Hope Project. \nThe Reel Hope Project makes videos of kids in Minnesota who are waiting to be adopted\, sharing these videos around the state to find a forever family for every child. \nThis year’s MN Christmas Market is sponsored by Schuler Shoes. And we can’t think of a sponsor who fits more naturally with our commitment of fighting for kids. For Schuler Shoes\, it has always been about more than just the shoes. Their mission is to improve lives\, 1 person\, 1 pair\, 1 neighborhood at a time. \nWith the growing popularity of the MN Christmas Market\, we want to empower more customers to do some good with their Christmas shopping dollars. This year we have FOUR different chances for you to join us at a MN Christmas Market. \nGeneral admission does not require advanced ticketing and will just cost $1 at the door to get in. The Eventbrite ticketing is specifically for our $25 VIP ticket option. Those with VIP tickets will skip the line and receive 1 hour of early shopping from 9-10am with special discounts\, and a complimentary cocktail/coffee drink to get the ball rolling! \nThe MN Christmas Market is the joint venture of Fight For Something and StormSister Spatique. URL: LOCATION:Duluth Entertainment Convention Center\, 350 Harbor Drive\, Duluth\, MN\, 55802\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20211001T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20211001T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173831Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173831Z SUMMARY:The Foxgloves w/Breanne Marie & the Front Porch Sinners DESCRIPTION:Two great bands: The Foxgloves w/Breanne Marie & the Front Porch Sinners outdoors at the Earth Rider Brewery Festival Field.\n\n\nCOUNTRY + TWO BANDS + FRESH BEER \nBREANNE MARIE | 7:30-9:00 PM \nBreanne Marie & The Front Porch Sinners is a 6 piece band playing Great Lakes Country music from a front porch in Duluth\, MN; vocals\, guitars\, drums\, fiddle\, pedal steel and trumpet. Great Lakes country music from a front porch in Duluth\, MN. \nTHE FOXGLOVES | 6-7 PM \nA little bit of country\, a little bit of folk\, a little bit of classical\, and a whole lot of heart. The Foxgloves are a six-piece all-female band with songs you won’t be able to stop humming. Their engaging presence\, rich instrumentation\, compelling storytelling songwriting\, four-part harmonies\, and creatively reimagined covers render them a force to be reckoned with. This powerful band is making moves you’ll want to witness. A little bit of country\, a little bit of folk\, a little bit of classical\, and a whole lot of heart — your toes will tap of their own accord. \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at! \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210925T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210925T200000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T175233Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T175237Z SUMMARY:Rockstars for the Registry Duluth JEEP Run DESCRIPTION:Join us for a JEEP run in the beautiful city of Duluth while raising funds for a great cause. Stay tuned for more information.\n\n\nMORE INFO COMING SOON URL: LOCATION:5000 Minnesota Ave\, 5000 Minnesota Avenue\, Duluth\, MN\, 55802\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210904T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210904T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173829Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173829Z SUMMARY:Frogleg at Earth Rider Brewery DESCRIPTION:Evening with Frogleg at Earth Rider Brewery + Fresh Beer + Food Truck\n\n\nHOT JAMS + FRESH BEER + FOOD TRUCK \nFrogleg is an island breeze\, a highway cruise with the windows down\, a mountainside ramble\, a New Orleans night out. Their music is steeped in sounds of rock and roll\, reggae\, soul\, carribean jazz\, bluegrass\, americana\, and folk\, among others. \nFROGLEG | 6-9 PM \nFrogleg’s first show was in late 2012\, quickly\, a major buzz about the band has been spreading through the music scene stemming from their long time weekly tradition\, “Frogleg Thursdays @ Bunkers” in downtown Minneapolis. After four years\, Frogleg closed the book on that chapter of their musical path. Their send off from Bunker’s was met with a series of sold out appearances at the club counting down to the final show. \nSince departing from their home gig\, the band has headlined shows at most of the major venues in Minneapolis from the Cabooze to the Skyway Theatre downtown as well as an appearance on the First Avenue mainroom stage. Outside of Minneapolis\, Frogleg has expanded their touring circuit considerably\, now including many of the friendly mountain states as well as the greater Midwest. Frogleg has shared the stage with Steven Tyler\, Jeff Austin Band\, New Orleans Suspects\, Devon Allman\, Orgone\, Raw Oyster Cult\, Samantha Fish\, Allie Kral\, Robert Randolph and has played multiple dates with Melvin Seals and the Jerry Garcia Band. \nKnown for their songwriting and improvisational live performances\, Frogleg would be best described as a soul band\, as their influences are not drawn from one specific genre. A typical Frogleg show usually features a unique blend of Funk\, Reggae\, Rock and Jazz exploration. \n$7 ADVANCE General Admission \n$9 DAY OF SHOW General Admission \nFOOD | 5-9 PM \nK & B Grilled Cheese will be on hand serving up tasty sandwiches all night. \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. \nWe ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210903T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210903T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173826Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173826Z SUMMARY:Boxcar at Earth Rider Brewery DESCRIPTION:Rail-jumping\, whiskey-drinking\, country rock and roll from beautiful Duluth\, Minnesota.\n\n\nFUN NIGHT + FRESH BEER + MUSIC \nBOXCAR | 6-9 PM \nFun Twin Ports American outfit will get your toes tapping and fresh Earth Rider beer will be pouring for a head-shakenly good time for all! A gritty guitar twang driven good times flowing quartet. Dylan\, Waylon\, Prine and more plus a handful of great originals. \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \nWe are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at! \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210822T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210822T160000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173825Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173825Z SUMMARY:Todd Albright Sunday Picnic in the Park DESCRIPTION:Guitar picker songwriter and regional treat at Earth Rider Brewery\n\n\nAMERICANA + FRESH BEER + SUNDAY IN THE PARK \nPack a picnic\, tip a pint\, sit back and enjoy a Sunday matinee hand picked Charlie Parr music series. \nCharlie sat down with us and helped curate this special hand picked Sunday series. \nCharlie said\, “Hey man I think some of my friends might like to play here!” We said ‘sure thing Charlie” and together made this series happen! \nAll ages \nFamily friendly \nDogs welcome \nSponsored by KUMD Radio 103.3 \nTODD ALBRIGHT \nTodd Albright is a country blues\, twelve string guitar player and vocalist based in Detroit\, Michigan. Grounded in the pre-war era of the blues tradition (1880-1939)\, Todd is a mindful purveyor of blues history. His repertoire upholds musical pillars such as Blind Willie McTell\, George Carter\, Blind Lemon Jefferson and Leadbelly. His life’s work continues the distinguished tradition of the very roots of American music as told by the African American musicians who created it. \nTodd’s vigorous\, gritty and soulful performances are accompanied by stories of the masters and a deep intuitive sense of respect for craft\, providing audiences with a meaningful experience while creating a transcendent moment. One of the top blues guitarists in the world\, Todd is the only contemporary twelve string player in his genre. \nSERIES HIGHLIGHTS \n\n6/20 Charlie Parr & Wonky Tonk\n6/27 Charlie Parr & Jeff Mitchell\n7/11 Lou Shields\n7/18 RL Boyce & Lightnin Malcom\n7/25 Bluesy Sunday in the Park feat. David Huckfelt w/Jeremy Ylvisaker w/Colleen Myhre\n8/1 Jake La Botz\n8/15 Jason Dae West\n8/22 Todd Albright\n\nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. No outside beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210818T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210818T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210521T160343Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210521T160941Z SUMMARY:Crescent Moon - Sawmill Saloon - Hayward\, WI DESCRIPTION: URL: CATEGORIES:Music / Concerts ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210814T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210814T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173657Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173833Z SUMMARY:Gitchigrass Music Festival DESCRIPTION:Gitchigrass 3-Day Music Festival hosted by Black River Revue URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210813T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210813T220000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173657Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173833Z SUMMARY:Gitchigrass Music Festival DESCRIPTION:Gitchigrass 3-Day Music Festival hosted by Black River Revue URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210812T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210812T220000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173655Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173825Z SUMMARY:Gitchigrass Music Festival DESCRIPTION:Gitchigrass 3-Day Music Festival hosted by Black River Revue URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210809T050000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210809T073000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T180439Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T180439Z SUMMARY:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo DESCRIPTION:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo\nJoin us for this paddle and ride social. All levels welcome! Come to half or both all before work. URL: LOCATION:6004 London Rd\, 6004 London Road\, Duluth\, MN\, 55804\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210809T050000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210809T073000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T180439Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T180439Z SUMMARY:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo DESCRIPTION:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo\nJoin us for this paddle and ride social. All levels welcome! Come to half or both all before work. URL: LOCATION:6004 London Rd\, 6004 London Road\, Duluth\, MN\, 55804\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210807T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210807T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173653Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173825Z SUMMARY:Breanne Marie & The Front Porch Sinners at Earth Rider Brewery DESCRIPTION:Breanne Marie & The Front Porch Sinners at Earth Rider Brewery + Beer + Food Truck + Special Guest Cory Coffman\n\n\nGOOD TIMES + FRESH BEER + FOOD TRUCK \nBREANNE MARIE & THE FRONT PORCH SINNERS | 7:30-9 PM \nBreanne Marie & The Front Porch Sinners is a 6 piece band playing Great Lakes Country music from a front porch in Duluth\, MN; vocals\, guitars\, drums\, fiddle\, pedal steel and trumpet. \nGreat Lakes country music from a front porch in Duluth\, MN. Breanne Marie broke into the Minnesota music scene as a solo performer with an acoustic guitar and a repertoire of country covers and originals. Her 2013 debut album “Six Strings of Peace and Sanity” was a collection of sweet and deeply personal songs she wrote following her father’s suicide and her brother’s death in a car accident. The success of the album set the stage for the formation of her full-blown backing band The Front Porch Sinners. \nSPECIAL GUEST TBA | 6-7 PM \nTwin Ports acoustic musician TBA \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at! \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210806T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210806T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173652Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173824Z SUMMARY:Whiskey Trail DESCRIPTION:Country music and down home good times at Earth Rider Brewery with Whiskey Trail.\n\n\nBIG VOICES + BIG SOUND + FRESH BEER +IT’S ALL HAPPENING \nWHISKEY TRAIL | 6-9 PM \nSmall town\, big harmonies\, big sound from this Twin Ports blue collar band led by the sounds of Heidi Pack. \nThe Whiskey Trail Band is a country group of musicians from the blue collar shipping town of Duluth\, Minnesota. Heidi Pack got her start singing in her parents’ church at the age of 4. As she got older she could feel the lure of music calling her. She started singing in bands and then wanted to strike it out on her own. \nWhiskey Trail considers their unique vocal harmonies as a strong point of their show. Even when they cover one of their influences like Blake Shelton\, Kelly Clarkson\, Little Big Town\, and The Civil Wars it doesn’t sound like the original. As Heidi puts it\, “It sounds like Whiskey Trail”. Which is what they incorporate into their own music. Whiskey Trail is enjoying a little popularity with some airplay\, a growing fan base\, and packed halls for their busy booking schedule. Whiskey Trail’s popularity has led to opening for Alabama\, Tyler Farr\, Nelly\, Parmalee\, and many\, many more. \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \nWe are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210801T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210801T160000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173823Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173823Z SUMMARY:Jake La Botz Sunday in the Park DESCRIPTION:Jake La Botz Bluesy Sunday in the Park at Earth Rider Brewery\n\n\nBLUES + FRESH BEER + SUNDAY PICNIC \nPack a picnic\, tip a pint\, sit back and enjoy a Sunday matinee hand picked Charlie Parr music series. \nCharlie sat down with us and helped curate this special hand picked Sunday series. \nCharlie said\, “Hey man I think some of my friends might like to play here!” We said ‘sure thing Charlie” and together made this series happen! \nAll ages \nFamily friendly \nDogs welcome \nSponsored by KUMD Radio 103.3 \nJAKE LA BOTZ | 1-4 PM \nLa Botz learned to play the blues from the last of the prewar bluesmen living in Chicago in the late 1980s and early 1990s: David “Honeyboy” Edwards\, Homesick James\, and Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis. He has been touring nationally and internationally for many years\, and since 2006\, has been known for his Tattoo Across America Tour\, in which he performs at tattoo parlors across the country. His original compositions are featured in many films and TV shows. \nSERIES HIGHLIGHTS \n\n6/20 Charlie Parr & Wonky Tonk\n6/27 Charlie Parr & Jeff Mitchell\n7/11 Lou Shields\n7/18 RL Boyce & Lightnin Malcom\n7/25 Bluesy Sunday in the Park feat. David Huckfelt w/Jeremy Ylvisaker w/Colleen Myhre\n8/1 Jake La Botz\n8/15 Jason Dae West\n8/22 Todd Albright\n\nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. No outside beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210731T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210731T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173821Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173821Z SUMMARY:Emily Haavik & the 35s DESCRIPTION:Alt-Country and big harmonies with Emily Haavik at Earth Rider Brewery Festival Field.\n\n\nALT COUNTRY + FRESH BEER + FOOD TRUCK \nEMILY HAAVIK | 6-9 PM \nMinneapolis based Emily Haavik & the 35s play harmony-driven\, string-filled alt-country up and down the greatest of interstates: the I-35. \nK&B GRILLED CHEESE FOOD TRUCK | 4-9 PM \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced green space with fire pits and plenty of firewood! \nWe have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \nRain or Shine! \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \n– Children\, cats and leashed dogs must stay at their tables \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210730T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210730T190000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210521T160343Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210521T161035Z SUMMARY:Crescent Moon - Belknap Lounge - Superior\, WI DESCRIPTION: URL: CATEGORIES:Music / Concerts ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210730T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210730T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173639Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173821Z SUMMARY:Tired Eyes at Earth Rider Brewery DESCRIPTION:Tired Eyes | Neil Young Tribute | Earth Rider Brewery\n\n\nNEIL YOUNG JAMS + FRESH BEER \n$5 General Admission \nTIRED EYES | 6-9PM \nThese heavy hitters are raw and loud and they hang back large and loud \nwith tasty Neil Young tunes served up one red hot night. Rich Mattson \n(Northstars)\, Alan Sparhawk (Low)\, Tim Saxhaug (Trampled By Turtles)\, \nGlen Mattson (Glenrustles). \n \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably \nreimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number \nof picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \nWe are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and \ndisinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask \nwhen moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and \ndisinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask \nwhen moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow \nfor social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and \ndifficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up \nfast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at! \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main \ngate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, \nyou will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match \nthe person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210726T050000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210726T073000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T180439Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T180439Z SUMMARY:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo DESCRIPTION:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo\nJoin us for this paddle and ride social. All levels welcome! Come to half or both all before work. URL: LOCATION:6004 London Rd\, 6004 London Road\, Duluth\, MN\, 55804\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210726T050000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210726T073000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T180439Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T180439Z SUMMARY:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo DESCRIPTION:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo\nJoin us for this paddle and ride social. All levels welcome! Come to half or both all before work. URL: LOCATION:6004 London Rd\, 6004 London Road\, Duluth\, MN\, 55804\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210725T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210725T160000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173638Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173821Z SUMMARY:David Huckfelt w/Jeremy Ylvisaker Sunday Picnic in the Park DESCRIPTION:Sunday in the park series with David Huckfeldt at Earth Rider Brewery\n\n\nAMERICANA + FOLK + FRESH BEERS + SUNDAY IN THE PARK \nPack a picnic\, tip a pint\, sit back and enjoy a Sunday matinee hand picked Charlie Parr music series. \nCharlie sat down with us and helped curate this special hand picked Sunday series. \nCharlie said\, “Hey man I think some of my friends might like to play here!” We said ‘sure thing Charlie” and together made this series happen! \nAll ages \nFamily friendly \nDogs welcome \nSponsored by KUMD Radio 103.3 \nDAVID HUCKFELT | 1-4 PM \nIn a career on the road less traveled that has found him sharing stages with a staggering diversity of artists: from Mavis Staples & Emmylou Harris\, to Bon Iver & Arcade Fire\, and more recently an impressive array of Native American musicians including John Trudell\, Quiltman\, Keith Secola\, and Annie Humphrey\, Huckfelt wanted to build a new musical community for this collection of songs. While his 2018 solo debut record “Stranger Angels” was written in complete isolation at Isle Royale National Park on Lake Superior just a few miles from the Canadian border\, “Room Enough\, Time Enough” was created in the borderlands of southern Arizona\, in the musical mecca of Tucson\, the high Sonoran Desert and one of the richest\, most biodiverse ecosystems in the world. “Tucson was the perfect place to dig back in time before border walls\, reservations & even statehood. \nSERIES HIGHLIGHTS \n\n6/20 Charlie Parr & Wonky Tonk\n6/27 Charlie Parr & Jeff Mitchell\n7/11 Lou Shields\n7/18 RL Boyce & Lightnin Malcom\n7/25 Bluesy Sunday in the Park feat. David Huckfelt w/Jeremy Ylvisaker w/Colleen Myhre\n8/1 Jake La Botz\n8/15 Jason Dae West\n8/22 Todd Albright\n\nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. No outside beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210725T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210725T140000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T180120Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T180123Z SUMMARY:Beer Run - Duluth Double Header | 2021 MN Brewery Running Series DESCRIPTION:Join us for a fun run course and great\, local beer AND cider on Sunday\, Jul 25 @ 11am\n\n\nSafety is #1! We will be respecting all COVID-19 safety guidelines as outlined by the CDC and our local department of health. \nWe understand these details may vary and are always subject to change. If these details change the nature\, date\, timing of this event and you are no longer interested or able to attend\, we will do our best to accommodate. \nKeep an eye out for additional communications from us is this event date approaches. We’ll share everything you need to know. \n— \nWe are the Minnesota Brewery Running Series and we run for beer and cider! \nJoin us for a special double header event between Bent Paddle Brewing Co and Wild State Cider on Sunday\, July 25! \nWe’ve mapped out fun course options (.5k\, 2.5k\, 2.5k loop\, 5k and 5k loop) between these two taprooms. Participants will start at one location and can choose their distance to end at the other. Course loops will be marked to help make sure you know where to go. \nComplete your desired distance and celebrate! \nWhat’s included?! All participants receive: \n\nA FREE craft brew from Bent Paddle Brewing Co and a FREE craft cider from Wild State Cider\nYour choice of a collector’s pint glass or seasonal swag item from the Brewery Running Series\nYour chance to win sweet door prizes\, like Brewery Running Series merchandise or a growler to take home\nAccess to event festivities\, games\, goodies and giveaways \nAnd more!\n\nWe are all about being active\, having fun and giving back to our local community. Since our inaugural event (the Brewery Running Series was founded in Minnesota in 2012)\, we have been able to donate over $200\,000 back to local nonprofits. This event will add to that tally! So not only do you get to a little exercise and enjoy a great beer\, you are contributing to our awesome community! \nRegistration is limited\, so sign up today! \nImportant details: \n\nThis is an untimed\, fun-run. All levels of walkers\, runners and joggers are welcome.\nThis is an open course\, meaning roads will NOT be closed. You are responsible for obeying all traffic laws and regulations.\nWe create each route to start and end at the brewery and to show off the surrounding neighborhood. The course will be marked with arrows to help you know where to go. \nYou must bring a valid ID or driver’s license. You do not need to be 21 to enjoy the event\, but you must be 21 to enjoy the beer. Please drink responsibly. (Registered\, underage participants will receive a token for a FREE non-alcoholic beverage)\nOur events are rain or shine! If conditions become unsafe to run\, we will still hang out and drink beer!\nThere will not be a bag check; please plan accordingly and dress appropriately for the weather.\nThere is public parking available. Is public transit an option for you? Check and see if there’s an accessible route nearby. We always encourage carpooling and safe\, designated drivers.\nSafety is #1! We will be respecting all COVID-19 safety guidelines as outlined by the CDC and our local department of health\, including but not limited to: \nMasks required at the taproom at all times\, unless otherwise noted. \nParticipants to respect social distancing and allow 6′ between themselves and anyone else on the course / trail \nReduced contact for check in and event goodies at the finish line\nAnd more as it may apply to this particular location. \n\nKeep an eye out – we will send you all final event details via email the week of this event and share anything else you might need to know. \nQuestions? Contact us at \nCheers to beers! We’ll see you in Duluth! URL: LOCATION:Bent Paddle Brewing Co. Taproom\, 1832 West Michigan Street\, #floor 1\, Duluth\, MN\, 55806\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210724T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210724T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210521T160343Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210521T161123Z SUMMARY:Crescent Moon - Blueberry Festival 2021 - Iron River\, WI DESCRIPTION: URL: CATEGORIES:Music / Concerts ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210723T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210723T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173636Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173821Z SUMMARY:Good Morning Bedlam w/Special Guests TBA DESCRIPTION:Good Morning Bedlam with Special Guest TBA at Earth Rider Brewery\n\n\nGOOD TUNES + FRESH BEER + TWO BANDS \nGOOD MORNING BEDLAM | 7-9 PM \nGood Morning Bedlam has become an innovative force in the midwest folk scene. Their shows are known for their contagious energy\, with members careening about the stage\, jumping and dancing with a wild playfulness. With tight soaring three part harmonies\, and thumping kick-drum\, they captivate their audience night after night with no intention of slowing down. Every song is a unique twist on what is generally dubbed as folk music. “We want to surprise our audience from song to song. Rather than creating our music to fit a genre\, we allow it to be an outpouring of our own stories and unique sound\,” says Isaak\, frontman of GMB. Just when you think you have Good Morning Bedlam pegged\, they take you in another direction. You will be treated to a haunting waltz\, whistling\, jazz scatting\, and the euphoria of the violin melodies. When it comes to their lyrical storytelling\, Isaak says\, “We’re desperate to connect to people through the common human experiences that we write about and the exuberance of our live show. People have a lot of choices of how they’ll kick-back\, so we intend to deliver a show where they can be free–to share in whatever they need to–joy\, grief\, anger\, gratefulness\, or bedlam!” \nSPECIAL GUEST TBA | 5:30-6:30 PM \nStay tuned for special guest announcement! \n++++++++++++++++++++ \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n \nWe are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \n \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \n \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \n \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \n \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \n \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \n \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \n \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at \n \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \n \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \n \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \n \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210718T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210718T160000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173635Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173821Z SUMMARY:RL Boyce & Lightnin' Malcom Sunday Picnic in the Park DESCRIPTION:Grammy nominated blues guitarist RL Boyce with Lightnin’ Malcom at Earth Rider Brewery Fest Field\n\n\nTRUE BLUES + FRESH BEER + SUNDAY PICNIC + OUTDOORS \nPack a picnic\, tip a pint\, sit back and enjoy a Sunday matinee hand picked Charlie Parr music series. \nCharlie sat down with us and helped curate this special hand picked Sunday series. \nCharlie said\, “Hey man I think some of my friends might like to play here!” We said ‘sure thing Charlie” and together made this series happen! \nAll ages \nFamily friendly \nDogs welcome \nSponsored by KUMD Radio 103.3 \nRL BOYCE | 2-4 PM \nR. L. Boyce is a Grammy nominated American blues singer\, songwriter\, and guitarist born and raised in Como\, Mississippi\, United States. He is a protege of Hill country blues musicians including R.L. Burnside\, and Mississippi Fred McDowell. \nLIGHTNIN’ MALCOM | 1-2 PM \nCutting Edge Bluesman LIGHTNIN MALCOLM\, a charismatic and energetic guitarslinger with a deep soulful voice\, has taken his irresistable Dance grooves from Juke Joint teen years as a One Man Band to World stages with mainstream artists such as Robert Plant\, Jimmy Buffett\, Buddy Guy\, Robert Cray\, The Black Keys\, Widespread Panic\, Big Head Todd\, North Mississippi Allstars\, Lucero\, and Gary Clark Jr. \nSERIES HIGHLIGHTS \n\n6/20 Charlie Parr & Wonky Tonk\n6/27 Charlie Parr & Jeff Mitchell\n7/11 Lou Shields\n7/18 RL Boyce & Lightnin Malcom\n7/25 Bluesy Sunday in the Park feat. David Huckfelt w/Jeremy Ylvisaker w/Colleen Myhre\n8/1 Jake La Botz\n8/15 Jason Dae West\n8/22 Todd Albright\n\nSERIES HIGHLIGHTS \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. No outside beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210717T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210717T190000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T180020Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T180120Z SUMMARY:2021 C.J. Ham Youth Football Camp - PM DESCRIPTION:Join C.J. Ham for the C.J. Ham Youth Football Camp – PM on July 17th at Duluth Denfeld High School!\n\n\nMinnesota Vikings Pro Bowl FB C. J. Ham and IFA present the 2nd Annual C.J. Ham Youth Football Camp for the community of Duluth. Open to 200 kids between the ages of 5-13\, CJ Ham’s youth football camp will be hosted at Duluth Denfeld High School on July 17th from 3PM-7PM. The camp will include one-on-one football instruction and will focus on character development\, leadership and sportsmanship. Participants will receive hands-on training from some of the region’s most experienced players and coaches\, while also being taught valuable life skills such as teamwork and dedication. \nAdditionally\, there will be frequent off-the-field conversations about leadership\, work ethic\, and education\, as C.J. stresses the importance of these intangibles in leading to a healthy and successful life. One of C.J.’s main objectives in his initiative to give back is to ensure that each child believes in themselves.  \nAll proceeds will go towards diversity sponsorship opportunities in the Duluth area! \n\n\nWhen: \nSaturday\, July 17th 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM \nWhere: \nDuluth Denfeld High School Football Stadium \n401 N. 44th Ave. West\, Duluth\, MN 55807 \nEligibility: \nTo be eligible\, you must be in 1st grade through 8th grade during the 2021-2022 school year. Participants will be divided into groups based on age and/or skill level. \nAvailability: \nSpace for the camp is limited to just 200 participants\, so sign up early to confirm your spot. \nWhat Should I Bring to Camp? \nPlease bring shorts\, T-shirt\, and either tennis shoes or cleats\, and hard work with a great attitude! \nDo I Need Insurance? \nAll participants must have medical insurance. You must also complete the consent and participation waiver to participate in the camp. \nWhat Will I Get Out of this Camp? \n\nCamp T-Shirt\nOn-the-field instruction by coaches \nAutographed C.J. Ham Photo or Trading Card\nDrinks and snacks will also be provided\n\nCOVID-19 Statement: \nThe C.J. Ham Youth Football Skills Camp will be conducted in compliance with all COVID-19 regulations set forth by Denfeld High School\, the City of Duluth and the state of Minnesota to ensure the safety for all participants. \nNotes: \nTo participate in the camp\, there will be a waiver for parents/guardians of attendees to electronically sign. This waiver will be sent to the email used to register for camp. \nIn the event of inclement weather (thunder/lightning)\, the camp will be cancelled and further information will be provided to participants in a timely manner. URL: LOCATION:Denfeld High School\, 401 N 44th Ave W\, Duluth\, MN\, 55807\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210715T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210715T210000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T173634Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T173821Z SUMMARY:Pert Near Sandstone with Special Guests Black River Revue DESCRIPTION:Pert Near Sandstone live in concert on the Earth Rider Brewery Festival Field stage with Special Guests Black River Revue\n\n\nHAPPY JAMS + FRESH BEER + TWO BANDS + GOOD TIMES \nPERT NEAR SANDSTONE | 7-9 PM \nIt was roughly a decade ago that Pert Near Sandstone first gathered around a microphone in a Minneapolis basement to record their debut album\, ‘Up And Down The River.’ So much has happened since then: highs and lows\, personal struggles and artistic triumphs\, new faces and new sounds. The winding road they’ve traveled over the years makes it all the more meaningful for the band to come full circle on their dazzling new release\, ‘Discovery Of Honey\,’ which finds them once again recording in a basement and reuniting with founding member Ryan Young\, who’s spent the past seven years touring the world playing fiddle with bluegrass stars Trampled By Turtles. \nBLACK RIVER REVUE | 5:30-6:30 PM \nBlack River Revue is a group of friends from Superior\, Wisconsin and Duluth\, Minnesota who share a love for all different genres of music. Using a bluegrass instrumentation we have crafted our own sound made up of mostly original music. \nSEATING \nAll of these shows will take place out-of-doors in our comfortably reimagined\, socially distanced\, green space. We have a limited number of picnic tables so come early and bring your blankets and chairs. \n*We are serving the new space with single serving\, compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around. \nTemperature checks will be administered prior to entry. \nCOVID-19 SAFTEY \nWe are serving the new space with single serving compostable cups and disinfecting each table between uses. We ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around and while ordering beer. Tables are spaced to allow for social distancing between groups. \nCOVID CIVILITY \n– Please maintain a 6 foot physical distance. Stay back \n– Free hand sanitizer is available at both beer service areas \n– Please wash your hands. Hand wash stations available \nBE COOL \nPlease practice patience\, tolerance\, and kindness at this strange and difficult time. \nFAQs \nQ: Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? \nA : You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. \nQ: What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? \nA: There is an abundance of parking near the venue grounds. \nQ: What can I bring into the event? \nA: We recommend bringing chairs or blankets as our tables fill up fast. We love dogs\, but please leave your furry friends at home. No outside food or beverages. No weapons. \nQ: How can I contact the organizer with any questions? \nA : Email us with your questions or comments at! \nQ: What’s the refund policy? \nA: No refunds. The event will go on rain or shine. \nQ: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? \nA: If you purchase through will call you will check in at the main gate. If you purchase a physical ticket at the Cedar Lounge taproom\, you will need to bring your ticket with you. \nQ : Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? \nA : Transfers are not allowed. \nQ : Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? \nA : Your will call registration must match the name of the person attending. \nPlease drink responsibly. \n#HOLDFAST URL: LOCATION:Earth Rider Brewery\, 1715 N. Third St.\, Superior\, WI\, 54880\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210714T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210714T180000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210521T160343Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210521T161150Z SUMMARY:Crescent Moon - Bayside Sounds at Bear Creek Park - Superior\, WI DESCRIPTION: URL: CATEGORIES:Music / Concerts ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210712T050000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210712T073000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T180439Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T180439Z SUMMARY:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo DESCRIPTION:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo\nJoin us for this paddle and ride social. All levels welcome! Come to half or both all before work. URL: LOCATION:6004 London Rd\, 6004 London Road\, Duluth\, MN\, 55804\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210712T050000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210712T073000 DTSTAMP:20240505T180022 CREATED:20210515T180439Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210515T180439Z SUMMARY:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo DESCRIPTION:SUNRISE Social Paddle | MTB Ride Combo\nJoin us for this paddle and ride social. All levels welcome! Come to half or both all before work. URL: LOCATION:6004 London Rd\, 6004 London Road\, Duluth\, MN\, 55804\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR